A Chronicle of Enlightened Citizenship Movement in the State Bank of India

A micro portal for all human beings seeking authentic happiness, inner fulfillment and a meaningful life

Friday, June 25, 2010

Measuring what makes life worthwhile

Chip Conley



With the youthful idealism of a 26 year-old, in 1987,I started my company and I called it Joie de Vivre, a very impractical name, because I was actually looking to create joy of life. And this first hotel that I bought, motel, was a pay-by-the-hour, no-tell motelin the inner-city of San Fransisco. As I spent time with Vivian, I saw that she had sort of a joie de vivrein how she did her work. It made me question and curious: How could someone actually find joy in actually cleaning toilets for a living? So I spent time with Vivian, and I saw that she didn't find joy in cleaning toilets. Her job, her goal and her callingwas not to become the world's greatest toilet scrubber. What counts for Vivian was the emotional connection she created with her fellow employees and our guests. And what gave her inspiration and meaning was the fact that, actually, she was taking care of people who were far away from home. Because Vivian knew what it was like to be far away from home.
That very human lesson, more than 20 years ago,served me well during the last economic downturn we had. In the wake of the dotcom crash and 9/11,San Fransisco Bay Area hotels went through the largest percentage revenue drop in the history of American hotels. We were the largest operator of hotels in the Bay Area, so we were particularly vulnerable. But also back then, remember we stopped eating French fries in this country. Well, not exactly. Of course not. We actually started eating "freedom fries." And we actually started boycotting anything that was French. Well, my name of my company, Joie de Vivre. So I started getting these letters from places like Alabama and Orange County saying to me that they were going to boycott my company because they thought we were a French company. And I'd write them back, and I'd say, "What a minute. We're not French.We're an American company. We're based in San Fransisco." And I'd get a terse response, "Oh, that's worse."
So one particular day when I was feeling a little depressed and not a lot of joie de vivre, I ended up in the local bookstore around the corner from our offices. And I initially ended up in the business section of the bookstore looking for a business solution. But given my befuddled state of mind, I ended up in the self-help section very quickly. And that's where I got reacquainted with Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs. I took one psychology class in college, and I learned about this guy, Abraham Maslow, as many of us are familiar with his "hierarchy of needs." But as I sat there for four hours, the full afternoon, reading Maslow, I actually recognized something that is true of most leaders. And one of the simplest facts in business is something that we often neglect.And that is that we're all human. And each of us, no matter what our role is in business, actually has some hierarchy of needs in the workplace.
So as I started reading more Maslow, what I actually started to realize is that, actually Maslow, later in his life, wanted to take this hierarchy for the individual and apply it to the collective, to organizations and specifically to business. But unfortunately, he died prematurely in 1970. And so he wasn't really able to live that dream completely.So I realized in that dotcom crash that my role in life was to channel Abe Maslow. And that's what I did a few years ago when I took that five level hierarchy of needs pyramid and turned it into what I call the transformation pyramid, which is survival, success and transformation. It's not just fundamental in business in business, it's fundamental in life. And we started actually asking ourselves the questions about how we were actually addressing the higher needs, these transformational needs for our key employees in the company. These three levels of the hierarchy needs actually relate to the five levels of Maslow's hierarchy needs.
But as we started asking ourselves about how we were addressing the higher needs of our employees and our customers, I realized we had no metrics. We had nothing that actually could tell us whether we were actually getting it right. So we actually started asking ourselves: What kind of less-obvious metrics could we use to actually evaluate our employees' sense of meaning, or our customers' sense of emotional connection with us? For example, we actually started asking our employees, do they understand the mission of our company, and do they feel like they believe in it,can they actually influence it, and do they actually feel that their work actually has an impact on it. And we started asking our customers, did they feel an emotional connection with us, in one of seven different kinds of ways. Miraculously, as we asked these questions and started giving attention higher up the pyramid, what we found is we created more loyalty. Our customer loyalty skyrocketed. Our employee turnover dropped to one third of the industry average. And during that five year dotcom bust, we tripled in size.
So I actually went out and studied a bunch of things. And I found a survey that showed that 94 percent of business leaders worldwide believe that the intangibles are important in their business, things like intellectual property, their corporate culture, their brand loyalty. And yet, only five percent of those same leaders actually had a means of measuring the intangibles in their business. So as leaders, we understand that intangibles are important, but we don't have a clue actually to how to measure them. So here's another Einstein quote: "Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." I hate to argue with Einstein, but if that which is most valuable in our life and our business actually can't be counted or valued, aren't we going to spend our lives just mired in measuring the mundane?
On a trip through India, early in his reign as king,he actually was asked by an Indian journalistabout the Bhutanese GDP, the size of the Bhutanese GDP. And the king responded in a fashion that actually has transformed us four decades later. He said the following: He said, "Why are we so obsessed and focused with gross domestic product? Why don't we care more aboutgross national happiness?" Now, in essence, the king was asking us to consider an alternative definition of success, what has come to be known as GNH, or gross national happiness. Most world leaders didn't take notice, and those that did thought this was just "Buddhist economics." But the king was serious. And this was a notable moment, because this was the first time a world leader in almost 200 years had suggested that intangible of happiness -- again, that leader 200 years ago, Thomas Jefferson with the Declaration of Independence -- 200 years later, this king was suggesting that intangible of happiness is something we should measure, and it's something we should actually value as government officials.
So as I spent time with leaders in the GNH movement, I got to actually really understand what they're doing. And I got to spend some time with the prime minister. Over dinner, I asked him an impertinent question. I asked him, "How can you create and measure something which evaporates,in other words, happiness?" And he's a very wise man, and he said, "Listen, Bhutan's goal is not to create happiness. We create the conditions for happiness to occur. In other words, we create a habitat of happiness." Wow. That's interesting. And he said that they have a science behind that art.And they've actually created four essential pillars,nine key indicators and 72 different metrics that actually help to actually measure their GNH. In fact, one of those key indicators is: How do the Bhutanese feel about how they spend their time each day? It's a good question. How do you feel about how you spend your time each day? Time is one of the scarcest resources in the modern world. And yet, of course, that little intangible piece of data doesn't factor into our GDP calculations.
So as I spent my week up in the Himalayas,actually I started to imagine what I call an emotional equation. And it focuses on something I read long ago from a guy named Rabbi Hyman Schachtel. How many know him? Anybody? 1954, he wrote a book called "The Real Enjoyment of Living." And he suggested that happiness is not about having what you want. Instead, it's about wanting what you have. Or in other words, I think the Bhutanese believe happiness equals wanting what you have -- imagine gratitude -- divided by having what you want -- gratification. The Bhutanese aren't on some aspirational treadmill,constantly focused on what they don't have. Their religion, their isolation, their deep respect for their culture and now the principles of their GNH movement all have fostered a sense of gratitudeabout what they do have. How many of us here, as TEDsters in the audience, spend more of our timein the bottom half of this equation, in the denominator? We are a bottom-heavy culture in more ways than one.
Bhutan's actually bordered on its north and southby 38 percent of the world's population. Could this little country, like a startup in a mature industry, be the spark plug that actually influences a 21st century of middle-class in China and India?Bhutan's actually created the ultimate export, a new global currency of well-being. And there are 40 countries around the world today that are actually studying their own GNH. You may have heard, this last fall, Nicolas Sarkozy in France,announcing the results of an 18-month study by two Nobel economists, focusing on happiness and wellness in France. Sarkozy suggested thatworld leaders should stop myopically focusing on GDP and consider a new index, what some French are calling a "joie de vivre index." I like it. Co-branding opportunities.
Abe Maslow said long ago something you've heard before, but you didn't realize it was him. He said, "If the only tool you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail." We've been fooled by our tool. Excuse that expression. (Laughter) We've been fooled by our tool. GDP has been our hammer. And our nail has been a 19th- and 20th-century industrial-era model of success. And yet, 64 percent of the world's GDP today is in that intangible industry we call service, the service industry, the industry I'm in. And only 36 percent is in the tangible industries of manufacturing and agriculture. So maybe it's time that we get a bigger toolbox, right. Maybe it's time we actually get a toolbox that, doesn't just count what's easily counted, the tangible in life, but actually counts what we most value, the things that are intangible.

1 comment:

  1. If the only tool you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail. How appropriate. The only tool we have is "Customer Service".
