A Chronicle of Enlightened Citizenship Movement in the State Bank of India

A micro portal for all human beings seeking authentic happiness, inner fulfillment and a meaningful life

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Citizen-SBI is the Sangam of Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati

Right now, the Citizenship Orientation Programme is running simultaneously for the messengers and guards, assistants to AGMs and GMs and DGMs. Here Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati merge and become one. One cannot differentiate one from the other at the being level. They all contribute equally and have the same feelings and devotion. Citizen-SBI is the "sangam" of Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati. CitizenSBI blog is pleased to bring to you moments from all the three programme versions, thanks to its committed contributors. Please read on...

When a senior DGM was asked to attend the citizenship orientation programme, he told his boss that he would be retiring at the end of the month and would not be able to give anything to the Bank from the programme. He was told that the programme is meant only for individual growth and the Bank does not expect anything in return. He was overwhelmed and feels grateful for this gesture of the Bank when he is on the verge of retirement.
Another DGM, while undergoing the programme, felt that he had only made a few positive contributions here and there but could have done much better. He said he felt sad about it and decided to make a solid, transformative contribution in his present assignment.
Two young CRAs were thinking of leaving the Bank and taking up the job as Asst. Professors in a college. After going through the programme, they realized that the Bank thinks so much about its employees and decided to stay back.
A senior manager at one of the remote centres derived a lot of strength while sharing his citizen moments. He cherishes the new friends he made during the programme and keeps in regular touch with them. His wife is a cancer patient, his son is not suitably employed and he is looking for a match for his grown up daughter. Moreover, his current boss is foul tempered and he found his going tough but thanks to the citizenship orientation programme he has found himself rejuvenated.
A messenger told me in the class this morning that the programme has removed the dust from his mind and given values which he would like to go back and share with his family. Others in the class supported him and said in unison that they would now be better individuals, parents and employees. One of them said that he behaved like an Amar so far but would strive to attain Anthonyhood.

Compiled by Jagat Bisht, SBLC, Indore

1 comment:

  1. very true words, sir. i am also getting lot of such feedback from participants who have attended the programme and also from Branch Heads who are coming to attend the programme. They feel that they are able to sense a change in perception of the staff at their respective offices after attending this Citizen SBI Orientation Programme where people are given an opportunity to think, discover and rediscover about themselves and only themselves!!!!!
