A Chronicle of Enlightened Citizenship Movement in the State Bank of India

A micro portal for all human beings seeking authentic happiness, inner fulfillment and a meaningful life

Monday, January 25, 2010


Shri Uday Mukhia, guard at Damua Branch, one evening at 6.00p.m in the year 2006 watched some boys in a group near the ATM and happened to overhear their conversations. One of the boys was looking helpless and sad and needed A- ve blood for his father who was severely burnt. He was very worried that for the past whole week he had tried his best but was unable to find a donor of the same blood group.
Damua being a small place, Shri Uday knew finding a donor or getting blood from the hospital would be next to impossible. As it is A-ve blood group was rare. However God’s ways are very mysterious. Shri Uday‘s blood group was A-ve and he decided to help the boy and his father. To their great surprise, he walked up to the boys and offered his blood. The boy’s father survived and the family offered money to Shri Uday against the blood which he politely refused.
In the year 2007, Shri Uday’s mother was critically ill and was desperately in need of A +ve blood. Shri Uday, being an army man, had his card but the hospital did not have the blood required by his mother. As he moved around in the hospital worried, he noticed a pregnant woman who was admitted there for delivery by surgery and her husband was enquiring desperately for a donor with A –ve blood. Shri Uday promptly offered his A-ve blood and meanwhile simply shared his need for A +ve blood for his mother. A look of surprise and joy filled Shri Uday’s face when the woman’s husband claimed that his blood group was A+ ve and he was more than willing to donate his blood to Shri Uday’s mother. Both men were filled with gratitude for each other and were amazed at the strange ways of God in extending timely help to the needy. Both Uday’s mother and the pregnant woman recovered and were discharged from the hospital healthy and happy.
Shri Uday had come a full circle- he gave blood to the boy’s father and received blood for his mother when in need. No wonder, what we give gets back to us. We give love and joy to others, our very life becomes full of the same. Can we pause and ponder how our life is, presently? Is it what we offer to the world?
Time is still on our side to make a conscious choice of life. Joy or sorrow – we have a choice which is very much in our own hands. We are what we are and we are where we are only because of the choices we made in the past. The moment we realize this, the blame game ends for we are entirely responsible for ourselves.
We all have to walk the full circle and there are no shortcuts to live life.

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