A Chronicle of Enlightened Citizenship Movement in the State Bank of India

A micro portal for all human beings seeking authentic happiness, inner fulfillment and a meaningful life

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Saving Grace: Becoming More Alive And Alert

Speech of Swami Sukhabodhananda

Why do some people carry the pain of criticism or defeat all their lives?
Rigidity is a part of identification. An important aspect of spiritual teaching is non-identification. If identification is our pattern, then we identify ourselves with everything. This identification is mechanical. One develops rigidity and fails to see other variables in life.You get upset that your point of view is not respected. This causes pain. The hurt body creates an imaginary self as a survival tactic. Carrying the pain of differences for long is part of a mechanical mind. Unless we transform our mechanical centre into a magnetic centre negative patterns will continue. In my workshops, I wish the participants ‘Good morning’. Then I question them as to how many of them meant the morning to be good? Most of them would have said it mechanically. A mind given to ‘mechanicalness’ has relatively less consciousness. The more we bring in ‘presence’ in whatever we do, the greater the chance that consciousness would give rise to a magnetic centre.
Once a magnetic centre is opened in us, we see the foolishness of carrying pain. It is like mixing bread with cement. People are living miserable lives because they function mechanically. They are victims of their programming. One of my relatives who is a multi millionaire leads a poor life as he is unwilling to sell part of his property. It is against his concept of family dignity, but he lives in poverty.

Is the knowledge acquired from you enough to change my life?
There are two domains: the domain of ‘knowledge’ and the domain of ‘being’. Knowledge should be applied in life to enhance one’s state of being, thereby your life matures. From a matured being if you look at the same knowledge it has a deeper meaning. By applying the deeper meaning in life and in your being, your life becomes more mature and in the process, something profound happens. Hence, knowledge should be applied; else you would be like a donkey carrying sandalwood. Be conscious of your body. Are you relaxed or tense? Be conscious of your emotions. Do you mechanically hate or like someone? Watch your thoughts. Become more conscious of your mind. Mere conceptual knowledge does not help.

How do we change our mechanical attitude to life?
It can be changed through the teachings of enlightened masters. On each occasion when we are forced to behave mechanically, bring the teachings of masters to the fore. Through constant practice, a different dimension will flow, of grace. The first factor is our ‘mechanicalness’. The second, the teachings of enlightened masters and the third is grace. Grace can come only when we apply teachings in real life situations. Then the law of grace transforms our lives.

How does grace operate?
In the constant struggle to apply great teachings in all walks of life, there will be an opening in which grace will flow. It is beyond the known structure of logic. Something mysterious happens, an illogical factor emerges and you find life to be fine and prolific. Be open to grace. Grace operates not in a way you want it to, but in its own way. Learn to appreciate the language of grace. God gives us what we need more than what we want.

Courtesy: The Speaking Tree, The Times of India, 21st January 2010

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Mr Natarajan for sharing the beautiful thoughts. Yes, God gives us what we need more than what we want.
