A Chronicle of Enlightened Citizenship Movement in the State Bank of India

A micro portal for all human beings seeking authentic happiness, inner fulfillment and a meaningful life

Monday, January 18, 2010


Citizen moments shared at SBLC, Indore which bring out deeply ingrained secular credentials...

The place is Srinagar -where many a times religion has been the cause of death and disaster, forcing people to wonder whether God exists!
In November 1999 at Srinagar Airport, Shri Inder Singh Dhanak, presently a Guard, at Ganj Area branch, Chhindwara, was then braving the gun fire by a militant attack at a masjid in a nearby village. The masjid was covered by the army on all four sides and the extremists were inside, firing wildly on all sides.
Shri Inder Singh was holding post near the door of the masjid, when suddenly he saw the profusely bleeding maulvi (priest) who had been shot thrice by the extremists. He went forward to rescue him, when the militants fired again. Shri Inder Singh was advised not to put his life in danger and stay away. But he couldn’t bear to see the bleeding maulvi. He slowly crawled towards the maulvi, dragged him out for about 50 feet and handed him over to the ambulance from the army which rushed him to the hospital where he survived.
Shri Inder Singh’s act of humanity got him a letter of appreciation from Mr. Farooq Abdullah and a reward of Rs. 1100/-

Sabarmati, the land of the Mahatma, from whom the entire world took a lesson on peace, witnessed a senseless bloodshed of innocents which disgraced the Nation.
It was the year 1984 when the country had to bear the barbaric assassination of the then PM, Mrs. Indira Gandhi. Just because the killer was a Sikh, the entire community faced the wrath of people who upheld religion over humanity. People were slain ruthlessly and their only ‘crime’ was they were born into a particular religion!
Shri Anil Dubey, messenger at City Branch, Indore , was then at Sabarmati where he has his house. One evening, a Sikh youth walked into his house for safety. Shri Anil knew that people outside were mercilessly looking out for him and he would be killed in no time if he is sent out. Anil looked after the youth for three days till the killings subsided and saved his life.

All human beings are created alike by the Creator. How could we bow down to the Creator and destroy His very creation? It is horrendous to believe that one claims to love God and kills innocent living beings whom God loves!
Love cannot be in bits and pieces, it is whole. Loving God, is loving all his creation, black or white, Hindus or Muslims, Sikhs or Christians- all are made of the same blood, flesh and bones with a spark of His divinity within all of us. How could we dare to even ill treat his creation? Is this love? Are we truly religious? Shri Inder Singh and Shri Anil both proved to be truly religious by being truly humane. For them, humanity was their religion.
Humanity saves lives whereas in the name of religion people kill each other! Can we religiously follow humanity and be on the top of the list of God’s most loved creation? Religion will only then mean what it should. Heaven on earth will then be a reality.


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