A Chronicle of Enlightened Citizenship Movement in the State Bank of India

A micro portal for all human beings seeking authentic happiness, inner fulfillment and a meaningful life

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

His Devotion Is Inspiring And Passion Infectious!

I was sitting in my office one day when one of my Citizen Facilitators entered along with a gentleman. The Facilitator introduced him as a Union Leader, an active participant of a recent Citizenship Orientation Programme and one who would like to "contribute".

I welcomed him and asked him to tell more about himself. He told me that he was specially trained in multi-media and would like to create a slide show for the SBLC covering its history, facilities available presently, academics etc. He also told me that so far he had got a lot from the Bank and was only in the "taking and receiving from Bank" mode but now he realized that he should "do" something for the Bank and he had come to the learning centre as this is one place where one can find avenues for expressing one's creative talents and contributing in a positive manner. I was more than happy to meet him and could sense right then that I am in for some good experience.

I told him that he is most welcome and that I had a lot of areas where I needed his immediate help as a multi-media expert. Then, we sat together and designed the header for this blog, shot and edited videos of some citizen moments, etc. He went around the SBLC campus, shot 110 photographs with his own camera and after burning a lot of midnight oil came up with a beautiful musical slide show which is in fact a tour of the SBLC for the participants giving them all information that they may need in an elegant way. This was recently launched by our Chief General Manager before a group of Marketing Executives.

What has impressed me most is his spirit of dedication towards task, the depth into which he delves, the vision that he has to look at various dimensions, his creative faculty and his constant search for excellence. He has seamlessly blended into our learning centre, rather the learning system, and has become an integral part of all new activities. He helped me to make multiple copies of the new 1.1 version of COP, design a new screen saver for the SBLC and is now working to develop our new professional SBLC website which will include information about Mandu, Onkareshwar, Ujjain, Maheshwari sarees etc.

The gentleman is a regular visitor to our premises in the morning and evening to discuss about the tasks in hand and show the completed ones. He goes back to his place, works till early hours and informs me about the progess over sms or e-mail, sometimes as late (or as early?) as 2.30 a.m. I feel privileged and proud to have him with us and learn from him. His devotion is inspiring and his passion infectious!

I am sure that this is just the beginning and I will have a lot more to tell about him.......

State Bank Learning Centre


  1. Experiences of such kind make every moment we spend facilitating CitizenSBI program worth a life time of fulfillment.Yes the spirit of contribution is very very infectious.Blessed are those who not only go back after the program completely mesmerized but come back with determination to put into practice what has influenced them so completely.In that sense our Citizen SBI union leader friend is a person worth emulating.There can be no better role model for each one of us than this gentleman!May he always maintain this spirit of devotion and passion in all walks of life.My best wishes!!!

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  3. thanks for sharing for this very inspiring moment. This can also be quoted as a powerful example while we are requesting participants to write their contribution vision in the My Contribution Vision Book, to commit in specific terms what will be their contribution towards the society in which the Organisation is a part.
