A Chronicle of Enlightened Citizenship Movement in the State Bank of India

A micro portal for all human beings seeking authentic happiness, inner fulfillment and a meaningful life

Monday, December 28, 2009


(This humble blog started its citizenship journey on the 7th of November 2009 by expressing our sincere regards and deep gratitude to Shri O P Bhatt who had the vision to pave the way for this fulfilling journey. Since then, heartfelt gratitude in various forms has been pouring in for our beloved Chairman in the classrooms, informal feedback channels and right into this blog. Beginning with the touching sentiments expressed by a grateful CitizenSBI, we would be echoing the feelings of some more Citizens in these columns in the coming days. In case you wish to contribute, please send your feedback to coolbisht@hotmail.com, preferably accompanied by your digital photograph - CitizenSBI Blog)

Serenity, warm smile and humanity writ large on his face, coupled with a magnetic personality that draws everyone unto him in a wave of peace and joy—yes, verily he is the Man on the Chair at the helm- our Chairman , Shri O.P. Bhatt!

Countless men have occupied the chair, for more than two centuries, yet none could touch so many hearts at the same time, in a wide sweep of care and concern for each one’s inner growth, towards ultimate bliss.

As SBI glides softly from Parivartan to CITIZENSBI, the ultimate Truth, of humanity, that enables one to contribute heart and soul towards mankind, dawns upon all those fortunate to have absorbed the message in these programmes. Accolades are pouring in and SBI is fast becoming a well known brand in the world. The tremendous success of SBI is visible to all. No doubt this has been possible because each mind in SBI has been ignited by one powerful mind, naturally that of our Chairman, like a lamp that has lit every heart with love in an act of sheer selfless giving, driving away dreadful darkness forever. The sun, no doubt lights up the day, but it is the little lamp that lights up the night which the sun, cannot do. He has proved to be the lamp in our lives!

As CITIZENSBI, tenderly brings the awareness that it is in positive contribution that we create meaning in life, there are acknowledgements all around about the massive change it has brought in life and its resultant feeling of contentment.

A husband gratefully accepts, that the family means much more to him today, he listens to his kids and finds meaning in their apparently meaningless chatter and discovers happiness in it! A wife learns to listen to the feelings of her in-laws and her husband and vows to serve them with love. A parent realizes that the inner fruit matters most and helps the struggling teenager in his decision on life, as the bond between them strengthens, with the feeling that we are not alone! For the new entrant in SBI, it is a huge leap in inner growth, cutting out life’s long bitter experiences that gradually teach this Truth.

Relations that had been written off have been revived—there is hope, there is life! The eyes that carried the burden of tears are now feeling light, after the realisation that the power is within to wipe away those sorrows, forever. The drooping shoulders that carried needless burdens of worry, now stands tall with the strength derived within, to face all vicissitudes of life.

O! What a growth! What bliss to live life! The sky seems within reach. Nothing seems impossible!
A grateful heart reaches out to the man who made this happen- Shri O.P.Bhatt. Men have come and gone on this earth, but only a very few could make such positive difference on such a massive scale. How does one express one’s gratefulness to such a wonderful soul?

A peep into this great man’s heart reveals the dauntless courage to gently drive people out of their limitations to a heavenly world of possibilities, the deep concern for sacred life and to derive meaning out of living it, the impeccable values held so dear that in a relentless endeavor seeks to establish peace in every soul, the boundless love for humanity that cannot but strive to raise each one to where they actually belong- a state of pure bliss, where life lives beyond dualities of pleasure and pain, success and defeat, life and death, in one deep sense of giving and gratitude.

But for him, life would have continued to be a daily grind of distress and limitations. And all that we can say is a VERY BIG THANK YOU, SIR.

Truly, words fail miserably to convey the feelings of gratitude to you, Sir. Thanks once again for giving the gift of life to us. As long as life exists you will be in our hearts.



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