A Chronicle of Enlightened Citizenship Movement in the State Bank of India

A micro portal for all human beings seeking authentic happiness, inner fulfillment and a meaningful life

Monday, December 28, 2009

Speaking Moments

It is our practice that we tell the partcipants on the first day that those partcipants who do not speak on the first day (either at the time of sharing of moments of Inner fullness or during role play etc.),they will have to speak on the second day on behalf of their group in the first session regarding the citizenship choice.(Our intention is not to harass anybody or to make them uncomfortable but to make them speak in front of 25/30 people which would help raise their confidence level in expressing their views in public).And to our pleasant surprise we have found on many occasions that even promotee Assistants have come out with excellent citizenship moments and their contributions towards development of business at their branches, recovery of NPAs etc. Some of them have even expressed their happiness that they were made to speak in the class room as they could not imagine earlier that they can speak in front of such an audience!!


1 comment:

  1. I fully agree with your views and the same is practiced in our classes too by encouraging people who have not spoken earlier. We make it clear while giving instructions before presentation that all the members of the group should come to the front and each member should be given a chance to expalin a portion of the presentation. some of the participants have written in their feedback that they felt very happy to discover that they too can speak in front of a group of people!!!!
